Using Google Authenticator for 2FA to secure your account
What is Google Authenticator, and why is it used for 2FA? Google Authenticator is an app that generates time-based, one-time passwords (TOTPs) to add an extra layer of security to your account. It helps protect your account from being hacked, ensuring no one can access your rewards, steal your digital items, or interfere with your game progress. How do I set up Google Authenticator on my account? This option can be found in your settings. To access, click on your Avatar Settings.Some readersHow do I sync my FIDE ID?
FIDE ID SYNC FIDE Player Requirements for the Road to Al Ain: Compete under your real name Real name is collected during FIDE ID sync and visible to tournament admins and the public Comply with FIDE Laws of Chess and Fair Play Rules for Online Competitions with Supervision How to Sync Your FIDE ID: Go to settings by clicking your profile picture (PFP). Click on the "Security" tab. Verify via KYC Verify your FIDE ID. Once complete, your FSome readers